Thursday, November 7, 2019

Mr.. Jan Caesar Essays

Mr.. Jan Caesar Essays Mr.. Jan Caesar Essay Mr.. Jan Caesar Essay To our supportive adviser Mr Jan Caesar A. Lambadi for his supports and knowledge. To our beloved dean Ms. Maria Christina Floors-Belles, for untiring support and extending her understanding and knowledge. Above all to our Almighty Father for providing us everything, to him we give back all the glory and praises. The accomplishment of this research work would not be attend without the generosity and support of other people who would always stand and look through behind us. We would like to extend our deepest thanks and gratitude to our parents who poured on us their support in many aspects. To our adviser Mr Jan Caesar A. Lambadi, for his untiring efforts in imparting and sharing hid knowledge of the subject matter in such way that we would easily grasp details and technical information porting us to make this research a successful one. To our instructors and to our Dean Ms. Maria Christina Floors-Belles, for encouraging and guiding us from the start of this study. To our friends and classmates who served as spices of our lives, inspire us despite of the difficulties and alternations, which somehow make us weak. And above all to our Almighty God, who bestowed us knowledge and wisdom, which we necessarily need to continue striving for the best. Institution and universities desire to have an easy way in processing the payroll system of the employee. Therefore, the researcher aims to study the Employee Payroll System of San Francisco Municipality, Surging Del Norte. We come up with a proposal that help to enhance the manual process of the present system to automate its process and operation. The organization of the study consist two parts. First part covers the result of the system analysis and design made by the researchers that is subdivided into four chapters and the second part is the program documentation. Chapter 1 discusses the overview of the present system study. It begins with an introduction, organization of the study, review of related literature, statement of the problem, statement of purpose and objectives, significance of the study, scope and limitation, research methodology, schematic diagram, and Giant chart. Chapter 2 deals on the present system that consists of the introduction , organizational chart, the documents and its usage, context diagram, processing of transaction, data flow diagram of present and proposed system, and its analysis and interpretation.

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