Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Military Is Very Strict, Routined, And Confidential Essay
Life in the military is very strict, routined-based, and confidential. Once you have lived and witnessed this lifestyle, it becomes a part of you all throughout your life. Even after getting out, those past memories still stays with you as you try to live a more civilized life. James, a twenty-eight year old former Army soldier had just recently gotten out of the Army six months ago back in April of 2016. Through his story, I was able to find out what an ex military soldier actually felt about his career and how he is coping with a new lifestyle. To begin my interview, I asked James about his decision to enter the Army and his backgrounds. His family lived in Chicago, Illinois where his American father was from. His mother, who was from the Philippines, always took him and his brothers to visit, and when he was in middle school, he decided to stay and go to school there, but he went back to the United States for high school. I found out that his grandfather was an Army veteran who ha d served the country during World War II. â€Å"I wanted to follow in his footsteps. It was a of repaying the country for what it’s done for my family.†The process to get in the Army was long. During his senior of high school, in 2005, was when he became serious about becoming an Army soldier. He was able to talk to a recruiting personnel at his school who was also the one who took him through the Military Entrance Processing Station or MEPS. That was where he also had to take the Armed Services
Monday, May 18, 2020
Solo Performance Theatre The Theorist, The Theory And...
Solo Performance Theatre Report Contents Theatre In Context: The Theorist, the theory and the contexts†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Theatre Processes: Physical explorations and development of the solo theatre Piece†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Presenting Theatre: Evaluation of the Solo Theatre Piece and my Personal Reflections†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. The Theorist, the theory and the contexts The Theorist that I have chosen is Robert Wilson, who is an American avante garde theatre practitioner from Waco, Texas. Wilson has also been a sound and lighting designer. I chose this theorist because I was interested by the fact that he grew up with an auditory processing diagnosis (Koniasberg) which is also a diagnosis that I have. Wilson is well known for his collaboration with other artists such as Philip Glass on Einstein on the Beach as well as Lady Gaga. Wilson often pushes the boundaries of theatre. In other words, â€Å"His works are noted for their austere style, very slow movement, and often extreme scale in space or in time†(Duffie) Furthermore, â€Å"His work is particularly distinguished by its unusual combinations of dance, movement, light, sculpture, music and words†(Goethe Institute) Wilsons work continues to show a high level of diversity and contrast. Wilson does not like traditional theatre, because when he visited shows on Broadway in New York d uring his time there, he never enjoyed any of the performances that he watched. Wilson work has certainly been significant in changing the perception and forms in which theatre can be performedShow MoreRelatedRudolf Lab The Theorist, The Theory And The Context1632 Words  | 7 PagesPart 1: The theorist, The Theory and The Context Rudolf Laban, a brilliant acting theorist, inspires many individuals, groups of actors and performers all over the world to this day. His progressive acting theories mold an individual into a character effortlessly and effectively. Although his ideas were not always appreciated, his critics only pushed him to better his techniques. Rudolf Laban was born on December 15th, 1879, in Bratislava, which used to be part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. HisRead Morepreschool Essay46149 Words  | 185 Pagesdescribed within a range from birth to five years. The examples listed under each foundation suggest a range of possible ways in which children can demonstrate the competency addressed by a founda- tion. The examples illustrate the different contexts in which children may show the competencies reflected in the foundations. Examples highlight that children learn while they engage in imaginative play, explore the environment and materials, make discoveries, are inventive, or interact with
Monday, May 11, 2020
Environmental, Sustainability and Social Responsibility
Sports maunfacutring industry | Environmental, Sustainability and Social Responsibility | Adidas versus Nike | | | 12/8/2011 | | Group #1 Adidas vs. Nike 12/08/2011 Environmental, sustainability and social responsibility reports are always created for vast amounts of companies around the world. Adidas and Nike are huge competitors in the sports manufacturing industry. Adidas is the second largest manufacturer of sporting equipment and clothing in the world behind the American company known as Nike. Adidas’ global headquarters is located in Herzogenaurach, Germany while Nike’s headquarters is located in Beaverton, Oregon. Adidas was first founded in the year 1948 and Nike was first founded in 1964. These two†¦show more content†¦Trying to analyze which company is more responsible will take a lot of time, commitment and detailed information in order to come out with a well-informed decision. When comparing both of these companies that are at the top of the sports manufacturing industry, Adidas appears to be the better company to invest money into at this current juncture. In our opinion, it seems that Adidas is more up fro nt and honest with their ethical issues in its reports. Such issues include environmental, sustainability and social responsibility. The company is making a genuine effort when it comes to improving in the long run. One important objective that opened our eyes was that Adidas is really pushing going green as much as it can for a company of its size. A program has been set up that is called the Environmental Strategy 2015. The aim of the program is â€Å"to reduce their environmental footprint fifteen percent by the year 2015 relative to sales†(Adidas Report). It seems that Nike has some lingering issues that are that are not helping the company with potential investors. According to its reports, Adidas is making a push to ensure it is doing everything possible to please its investors, workers and customers and with this they are definitely a good company to invest in. Although Nike hasShow MoreRelatedSustainability Initiatives A Demonstration Of Corporate Social Res ponsibility And Should Corporations Be Financially Responsible For The Environmental Disturbances2077 Words  | 9 Pagesthe cost benefits for corporations leading sustainable efforts in their communities and should corporations be financially responsible for the environmental disturbances that they cause, be it directly or inadvertently? More specifically are the efforts of Wal-Mart to implement sustainability initiatives a demonstration of corporate social responsibility or just greenwashing? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis Of Brezhnev s Policies During The Soviet Union
†¢ Brezhnev’s policies, although initially stemming as negative towards easing relations and tensions both at home and at the international level, they usually ended up benefiting in one way or another. †¢ And even though the USSR invested heavily in agricultural production and failed to increase production proportionately, the standard of living for those living on the country side improved greatly. †¢ The same equation could be applied to Brezhnev’s biggest international policy which, although wanting to aid Arab wars and fund communist movements while holding down movements against communism, eventually brought to Russia an agreement with the US to limit arms and later on with the rest of the powers to finalize the border adjustments†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ The â€Å"Perestroika†policy was announced in 1986 and was another attempt to reorganize the economy. †¢ For the first time in Soviet history, the word â€Å"Glasnost†was spelled out to the nation. †¢ Gorbachev wanted to bring freedom to the people, ease the Party’s control over the media and release thousands of political prisoners. †¢ This was a radical change since control of speech and suppression of any government criticism had previously been the foundation of the Soviet regime. †¢ In 1988 the Law on Cooperatives became among the most radical economic reforms Gorbachev started. †¢ For the first time since Vladimir Lenin’s â€Å"New Economic Policy†in the 1920s, the bill permitted private business in the country. †¢ As a result, private restaurants, shops and other businesses were introduced to the Soviet public, while several major â€Å"All-Union†companies fell into restructuring. †¢ Air giant Aeroflot was split up, eventually becoming several independent airlines that were encouraged to seek foreign investment. †¢ In his strive to reduce the Party’s control over the government, Gorbachev proposed a change to a presidential system and created a new political body known as the Congress of People’s Deputies which was formed in the Soviet Union’s first free democratic election. †¢ On 15 March 1990, following another vote, Mikhail Gorbachev became President of the USSR. †¢ By the end of Perestroika more Soviet republics wanted to
Commercially Available Testing Tools Free Essays
Once an application has been developed, the developers must demonstrate that it performs the tasks for which it was designed accurately, reliably and with adequate performance. For this to be fulfilled extensive testing must be carried out and tools have been built to assist with this process. Developers have built different types of tool for addressing different aspects of the same general problem. We will write a custom essay sample on Commercially Available Testing Tools or any similar topic only for you Order Now The importance of proper testing to detect as many errors as feasibly possible has been driven by the increase of malicious or criminal intent on the part of developers that produce applications with functions that facilitate fraud or other criminal activity (an especial risk to the financial industry). This problem has been addressed by European Community Legislation, increasing the onus on software developers to show that they took all reasonable steps to ensure an application was free of defects and suitable for the purpose for which it was developed. Failure to do so could leave the developer liable to be sued by anyone have has incurred a loss in any business as a result of software collapse. The main types of tool that have resulted as a partial result of this are described below. There are a large number of testing tools that are available, but they all work in very different ways. The main types of testing categories are described below. Tools that analyse source code without executing test cases, but in deriving test cases for the software to be tested. There are three different types used in industry that are described below: Code based testing tools accept source code as input and perform a number of analyses that result in the generation of test cases. This type of automated tool can broken down in to four further categories. The first are Code analysers that evaluate test modules automatically for proper syntax; statements are then highlighted where the syntax is wrong, if construction is error prone or if an item is undefined. The second category is Structure checkers where modules are submitted as input and a graph generated, depicting the hierarchy of modules and tools check for structural flaws, for example, determining the location of loops and branches and how they are used within the system. The third type are Data analysers which review data structures, data declarations and module interfaces, and notes improper linkage between modules, conflicting data definitions and illegal data usage. The final type are Sequence checkers where sequences of events are checked and marked if coded in wrong sequence. Specialised testing languages enable a software engineer to write detailed test specifications that describe each test case and the logistics for its execution. An example of one of these languages is Prolog, that is specifically used for test case generation. Requirements based testing tools isolate specific user requirements and suggest test cases (or classes of tests) that will exercise the requirements. Tools that analyse source code during execution of test cases by interacting with a program as it is executing and checking the path coverage, test assertions about the value of specific variables and otherwise instrumenting the execution flow of the program. They can be either intrusive or non-intrusive. An intrusive tool changes the software to be tested by inserting extra instructions or ‘probes†that perform the activities mentioned above. A non-intrusive tool uses a separate hardware processor that runs in parallel with the processor containing the program that is being tested. Systems can be difficult to test because several parallel operations are being carried out concurrently, which is especially true for real-time systems. Therefore it is difficult to anticipate the conditions and generate representative test conditions. However, dynamic test tools can capture a state of events during the execution of a program and so are often called program monitors, because they watch and report the behaviour of the program. The functions of the monitor are to list the number of times a submodule is called or a line of code is executed. These statistics tell testers if the test cases have statement coverage. Another function is to report on whether a decision point has branched in all directions, providing information about branch coverage. System performance information is also provided, including statistics about particular variables e. g. their first value, last value, minimum and maximum values. Breakpoints can be defined for the system, so when a variable attains or exceeds a specific value, the test tool reports the occurrence. Some tools will stop when breakpoints are reached so that the tester can examine the contents of memory or specific data items, as it is possible to change values as the test progresses. Any information captured during the test can be used to provide information about control flow. Another automated tool, analysers, are similar to monitors, except that they can also evaluate captured data to prescribed criteria. A test coverage analyser records the number of each statement executed during a test step and notifies us if certain routines or statements are not executed. A timing analyser works with predefined areas or memory or code and tracks the amount of time spent in each area as system functions are performed. This type of tracking can be useful during performance testing when timing requirements are checked. Tools that simulate functions of hardware or other externals by presenting to a system all characteristics of a system or device without actually having the system/device available. This is particularly useful if another company is developing part of a system; this part can be simulated to allow you to test your own part. The simulator can sometimes be more useful than the device itself as all data regarding the devices’ state throughout the test can be stored, aiding in error location. Simulators also help with stress and volume testing, since it can be programmed to load the system with substantial amounts of data, requests or users. Generally, simulators give control over the test conditions, allowing you to perform tests that may otherwise be dangerous or impossible. Test management tools are used to control and co-ordinate testing for each of the major testing steps. Tools in this category manage and co-ordinate regression testing, perform comparisons that ascertain differences between actual and expected output and conduct batch testing of programs with interactive human-computer interfaces. In addition to the functions noted above, many test management tools also serve as generic test drivers. A test driver reads one or more test cases from a testing file, formats the test data to conform to the needs of the software under test, and then invokes the software to be tested. The C/S environment demands specialised testing tools that exercise the graphical user interface and the network communications requirements for client and server. This category can be sub-divided into the following functions: Reverse engineering to specification tools which take source code as input and generate graphical structured analysis and design models, ‘where-used’ lists and other design information. Code restructuring and analysis tools that analyse program syntax, generate a control flow graph and automatically generate a structured program. On-line system reengineering tools which are used to modify on-line database systems. Many of the above tools are limited to specific programming languages, although most major languages are addressed and require some degree of interaction with the software engineer. Next generation reverse and forward engineering tools will make much stronger use of artificial intelligence techniques, applying a knowledge base that is application domain specific, i. e. a set of decomposition rules that would apply to all programs in a particular application area. The AI component will assist in system decomposition and reconstruction, but will still require interaction with a software engineer throughout the reengineering cycle. Several testing aids can be combined into one automated tool; a test harness is a monitoring system that tracks test input data, passes it to the program or system being tested and records the resulting output. A test harness can also compare actual with expected output and report any discrepancies. Most test harness tools are environment specific by the nature of the process. Test data set generators can generate test data sets derived from the requirements modelling process. Used in conjunction with test harnesses they will provide a formal documented test environment. In most cases a combination of the above tools will improve chances that a delivered application performs the tasks expected correctly and reliably. All testing tools generate large amounts of information about an applications structure. This information must be interpreted and used to detect and rectify subtle logic and structure error. There is a large amount of interest in producing automated support for this interpretation process; to pinpoint possible problem areas and suggest further lines of investigation. With the exception of Interpreters, that are still in development, the above categories of testing tools are available commercially. There are a large number of products available produced by many different companies, so two case studies have been selected to give an impression of the testing tools commercially available. Where possible, the category of testing tools as described above that each product fits into has been added in brackets after the product name. The current products available from this French company are aimed at user interface testing and there are three product lines. The first, UniTest, is designed to perform unit testing of embedded systems. It can develop test scripts that can run on native, simulator, emulator or target platforms. ATTOL’s second product, SystemTest, automates the production and exploitation of integration and validation tests for systems. Both of these two products can be integrated with ATTOL’s final product, Coverage (test coverage analyser), which is a code coverage tool that is designed to obtain the level of code coverage during the unit or integration testing. TestStudio is one of four products that make up the software development product, Rational Suite. The TestStudio product is itself made up of other Rational Products. Rational Robot provides thorough testing of an entire application, Rational TestFactory automatically detects run-time errors without user assistance and generates optimal scripts for regression testing. Rational Purify locates hard-to-find run-time errors that cause program crashes. Rational Quantify pinpoints performance ‘bottlenecks’ in applications and Rational PureCoverage (test coverage analyser) identifies untested code and provides code-coverage analysis. The nature of many products available is that they perform testing to meet user requirements. To do this they are often a combination of several types of testing tool, which makes it difficult to identify specific categories of testing. However, many of the products available did require the system or application being tested to actually be run, whether on a simulator or real-time, suggesting dynamic testing is used more than static testing. There are however, a huge range of testing tools commercially available, combining many different testing methods. How to cite Commercially Available Testing Tools, Essay examples
Progression Towards Light Essay Example For Students
Progression Towards Light Essay Progression Towards LightAeschylus use of darkness and light as a consistent image in theOresteia depicts a progression from evil to goodness, disorder to order. In theOresteia, there exists a situation among mortals which has gotten out ofcontrol; a cycle of death has arisen in the house of Atreus. There also existsa divine disorder within the story which, as the situation of the mortals, mustbe brought to resolution: the Furies, an older generation of gods, are inconflict with the younger Olympian gods because they have been refused theirancient right to avenge murders between members of the same family. TheOresteia presents two parallel conflicts, both of which must be resolved ifharmony is ever to be desired again. As one can expect, these conflictseventually do find their resolutions, and the images of darkness and lightaccompany this progression, thereby emphasizing the movement from evil to good. The use of darkness imagery first emerges in the Agamemnon. In thisfirst play of the trilogy, the cycle of death which began with the murder andconsumption of Thyestes children continues with Clytaemestras murder ofAgamemnon and Cassandra. The darkness which is present in the beginning of thestory is further magnified by the death of Agamemnon. This is illustrated whenClytaemestra says, Thus he Agamemnon went down, and the life struggled outof him; and as he died he spattered me with the dark red and violent drivenrain of bitter savored blood (lines 1388-1390). Clytaemestra has evilly andmaliciously murdered her own husband; thus the image of the dark blood. Thedarkness is representative of the evil which has permeated the house of Atreus,and which has persisted with this latest gruesome act of murder. Becausedarkness results from the death of Agamemnon, Aeschylus clearly illustrates thatthis murder was nothing but pure evil. As long as this type of evil continuesto be practiced in t he house of Atreus, darkness will continue to emerge. TheOresteia has not yet seen the light. The beginning of the progression from darkness to light can initially beseen in the second play of the trilogy, The Libation Bearers. Orestes is theembodiment of this light, a beacon signalling a possible end in the evil thathas infected the house of Atreus. It is true that Orestes, in revenge forAgamemnon, kills his mother Clytaemestra. Yet the darkness that is expectedfrom such a murder, a matricide, is negated by one of the main reasons thatOrestes commits the murder: his fear of the wrath of Apollo, who has orderedhim to commit the deadly act. Aeschylus provides Orestes with a justificationfor his action in the form of the oracle from Apollo. For not only doesOrestes murder of his mother fail to differ greatly from Clytaemestras murderof Agamemnon, but it can in fact be seen as a worse crime because of the bloodties. Therefore, in order to convincingly prove his assertion that Orestes isjustified in killing his mother, Aeschylus must include the order from Apollo,who by no mere c oincidence is the god of light. With the divine support of thelight god on his side, Orestes is the beginning of the progressive illuminationtowards goodness and order in the Oresteia. Another example of Orestes introduction of light into a story ofdarkness occurs later in The Libation Bearers. The chorus is describing thedream that Clytaemestra has had of giving birth to a snake, which representsOrestes. The chorus sings of Clytaemestras fear as she awakens from thenightmare: She woke screaming out of her sleep, shaky with fear, as torcheskindled all about the house, out of the blind dark that had been on them (lines535-537). Aeschylus describes the house of Clytaemestra, the rightful house ofAtreus and the Atridae, as dark; this darkness has been caused by none otherthan her own murderous deeds. She has dreamt of the coming of her son Orestesto avenge his father, and the torches that light up the house signal this coming. .u642490f51172011e777de1bc31d84439 , .u642490f51172011e777de1bc31d84439 .postImageUrl , .u642490f51172011e777de1bc31d84439 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u642490f51172011e777de1bc31d84439 , .u642490f51172011e777de1bc31d84439:hover , .u642490f51172011e777de1bc31d84439:visited , .u642490f51172011e777de1bc31d84439:active { border:0!important; } .u642490f51172011e777de1bc31d84439 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u642490f51172011e777de1bc31d84439 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u642490f51172011e777de1bc31d84439:active , .u642490f51172011e777de1bc31d84439:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u642490f51172011e777de1bc31d84439 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u642490f51172011e777de1bc31d84439 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u642490f51172011e777de1bc31d84439 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u642490f51172011e777de1bc31d84439 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u642490f51172011e777de1bc31d84439:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u642490f51172011e777de1bc31d84439 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u642490f51172011e777de1bc31d84439 .u642490f51172011e777de1bc31d84439-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u642490f51172011e777de1bc31d84439:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Religion7 EssayClearly, Orestes is the man who will restore light to the house of Atreus. Orestes is looked upon by those characters sympathetic to his plight(namely Electra and the chorus of The Libation Bearers) as the light which willbring an end to the evil in the house of Atreus. Soon after Orestes reveals hisidentity to his sister, he proclaims that he will avenge his fathers murder. The chorus, who represent the subjects of the late Agamemnon, express theirgratitude for Orestes decision when they say, But when strength came back hopelifted me again, and the sorrow was gone and the light was on me (lines 415-417). Orestes arrival and his resolution to make his mother pay for her crimesilluminates the darkness which Clytaemestra has brought upon the royal house;the chorus, in proclaiming that the light is on them, recognize that Orestes isthe man who will achieve this illumination. Electra also recognizes thatOrestes will bring good to an evil situation: O bright beloved presence, youbring back four lives to me (lines 238-239). Orestes presence brightens thedark, gloomy state of mind of Electra just as it brightens the dark, gloomysituation in the house of Atreus. Following the murder of Clytaemestra and Aegisthus at the hands ofOrestes, light is finally restored to the conflict within the mortal house ofAtreus. Orestes has fulfilled the oracle imposed upon him by Apollo, and thedarkness, the evil of Clytaemestra, has been defeated. In reference to thisdefeat, the chorus proclaims, Light is here to behold. The big hit that heldour house is taken away (lines 961-962). The disorder and darkness that hadreigned in the house of Atreus exists no longer; Orestes has given his familyillumination. The evil darkness has been overcome by the good light. Another way in which Aeschylus manifests the imagery of light anddarkness is through the conflict between the Olympic and Chthonic gods. TheOlympic gods are represented in the Oresteia by Apollo and Athene. Aeschylusties together the ideas of justice and reason, Athenes domain, with the idea oflight, of which Apollo is god. By contrast, the black clad Chthonic gods, theFuries, tie together the idea of darkness with the idea of bloody revenge, whichis their area of specialization. In the Eumenides, Pythia says of the Furies, They are black and utterly repulsive, and they snore with breath that drives oneback (lines 52-53). The contrast between the two different races of gods setsup Aeschylus second progression from darkness to light in the Oresteia. The Furies are at first incapable of treating Orestes with the justicethat he deserves. They do not take into account the circumstances under whichOrestes killed his mother, specifically the pressure which he had received fromApollo. Therefore, the Furies are at first enraged that Athene allows Orestesto escape their dark and bloody vengeance. Eventually, however, the Furieshate begins to subside and they accept the arbitration of Athene, who offersthem land and honor in Athens. This acceptance marks the beginning of theirmovement from darkness to light. They embrace the just attitude of the Olympicgods Apollo and Athene, progressing from a doctrine of bloody revenge to one ofreason and justice. The light images emerge along with this progression, andthe Furies proclaim near the end of the Eumenides: So with forecast of good Ispeak this prayer for them the citizens of Athens that the suns brightmagnificence shall break out wave on wave of all the happiness life can give ,across their land (lines 921-925). The Chthonic gods have given up their darkways and have called for light. This light image is also manifested in thegarments that the Furies change into at the end of the Eumenides: where theyhad previously worn black robes, they now wear bright crimson robes. Nowcalling themselves the Eumenides, or Benevolent Ones, these gods have progressedfrom symbols of evil darkness into symbols of bright goodness. .ub196ec44f81f61d8a06dab105298a278 , .ub196ec44f81f61d8a06dab105298a278 .postImageUrl , .ub196ec44f81f61d8a06dab105298a278 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub196ec44f81f61d8a06dab105298a278 , .ub196ec44f81f61d8a06dab105298a278:hover , .ub196ec44f81f61d8a06dab105298a278:visited , .ub196ec44f81f61d8a06dab105298a278:active { border:0!important; } .ub196ec44f81f61d8a06dab105298a278 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub196ec44f81f61d8a06dab105298a278 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub196ec44f81f61d8a06dab105298a278:active , .ub196ec44f81f61d8a06dab105298a278:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub196ec44f81f61d8a06dab105298a278 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub196ec44f81f61d8a06dab105298a278 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub196ec44f81f61d8a06dab105298a278 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub196ec44f81f61d8a06dab105298a278 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub196ec44f81f61d8a06dab105298a278:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub196ec44f81f61d8a06dab105298a278 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub196ec44f81f61d8a06dab105298a278 .ub196ec44f81f61d8a06dab105298a278-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub196ec44f81f61d8a06dab105298a278:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Madness and Insanity in Shakespeare's Hamlet - Hamlet's Madness EssayIn his trilogy the Oresteia, Aeschylus use of darkness and lightimagery coincides with his progression of themes. Orestes, who represents light,brings and end to the vicious cycle of dark death continued by Clytaemestra. Heilluminates the dark evil in the house of Atreus. Likewise, Athene and Apollobring the Furies out of their dark, blood-lusting ways and into an order ofjustice and reason, transforming them into the brightly clad Benevolent Ones. In the end, goodness prevails over evil just as light conquers darkness. Aeschylus effectively makes use of his images to emphasize this movement.
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