Sunday, January 26, 2020
Types of Cardiovascular Disease
Types of Cardiovascular Disease Jeanette Mullen Abstract Cardiovascular disease (CVD) affects many people throughout their lives, there are some that are living with the disease and dont even know it because they dont go to the doctor, and even when they do, many dont adhere to the warnings. There are a lot of programs out there for families that take care of older adults with CVD, the problem with this is most people dont know how to access these programs. They dont know where to go or who to talk too, and because of this many people dont get the help that they need for their loved ones. The program that I would like to create is sort of like a workshop that is geared towards helping families that are caring for older adults, by providing them with a wealth of knowledge that will aid them in their journey of finding the help they need. I hope to show you through my research that many people can live longer, healthier lives if they knew more about CVD and how to protect themselves and their loved ones from getting it. Cardiovascular Disease: What You Should Know! It is important for people who have cardiovascular disease or families caring for someone with CVD to understand everything there is to know about the disease so they will be able to do what is necessary to combat the disease; my program will do just that. I would begin the workshop getting to know my audience and congratulating them on taking the first step towards a better life and by telling a true story to them in hopes that it will give them a better perspective of just how serious and real this disease is. Sometimes hearing what happened to someone else can shock a person into wanting to learn all they can so the same thing wont happen to them. Discussion Being told that your heart is only pumping at ten percent has got to be one of the hardest things to hear in your life. That was my brothers fate. He was offered a pacemaker and chose not to get it because he said since they told him its a 50/50 chance of survival, he said he would take his chances. Its sad to say that he lived another three years before suffering a massive heart attack and dying, he was 44. His fate could have been different had he listened to his doctor and changed his lifestyle. My father was in his late 50s when he was told that the only way he would live is if he received a heart transplant. He was suffering from congestive heart failure and already had three heart attacks. He had the transplant and has lived so far for 14 years. Goals My goal for this program is fairly simple. It would be free to the public, anyone regardless of gender; race or socioeconomic background would be able to attend if they choose to do so. At the end of the workshop there will be an answer and question session and there would be volunteers available to help anyone that is having a hard time understanding what do or what is being said. I would have a building that is centrally located so that it is easily accessible for people that dont have transportation and may be on the bus line. My target age for this workshop is from the young old to the oldest old but will be open to anyone interested in learning about cardiovascular disease. Types of Cardiovascular Disease Research The text by Hooyman Kiyak, states Cardiovascular diseases (CVD), which include coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke, are the leading cause of death among older adults (Hooyman Kiyak, 2011). There are many diseases of the cardiovascular system such as: Coronary heart disease is a condition in which blood to the heart is deficient because of narrowing or constricting of the cardiac vessels that supply it. Acute myocardial infarction results from blockage of an artery supplying blood to a portion of the heart muscle. Congestive heart failure indicates a set of symptoms related to the impaired pumping performance of the heart, so that one or more chambers of the heart do not empty adequately during the hearts contractions (Hooyman Kiyak, 2011). Risks of Cardiovascular Disease Most cardiovascular diseases can be prevented by changing your diet, becoming more active, and taking all medications that is prescribed to you. Once the group you are teaching know what types of cardiovascular diseases are out there and what they actually mean, you can then tell them what risks can cause the disease and how to possibly prevent it from happening. Take diet for instance, by changing the things you consume everyday you can decrease the risk of heart disease. One scholarly article I read suggested that eliminating saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat would most likely decrease the amount of deaths in Coronary heart disease (CHD), but according the dietary guidelines it is suggested that Americans cut back on both saturated and unsaturated fats from their diet; eating lots of red meat and eggs can also be problematic. But eating a diet high in vegetables, beans, fish and poultry could significantly lower your risks of CHD and stroke (Yu et al,, 2016). Changing from a sedentary lifestyle to a more physical lifestyle can lower your risk of developing heart disease, such as taking a brisk walk. Another risk factor is smoking, studies in the article showed that cutting out smoking decreases your risk of CHD, and suggested that smoking cessation is more favorable, even though it can cause weight gain. All of these risks are associated with cardiovascular disease but there are times when a person is leading a healthy lifestyle and can still suffer from CVD. Genetic factors and socioeconomic factors can play a big role leading in developing the disease (Yu et al., 2016). Another article I found very interesting did a study on how Living in poorer neighborhoods with low levels of social cohesion and high rates of crime, violence, and disorder have been found to be detrimental to health as they create environments that induce stress, elevate blood pressure, and may not be conducive to healthy behaviors such as physical activity (Barber et al., 2016). This article goes hand in hand with the previous one in saying that Low socioeconomic status (SES) has also consistently been identified as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and people that are living in areas where it is heavily polluted have been known to be associated with the increased risk of CVD (Chi et al., 2016). Study There were a few studies done on the risk of cardiovascular disease. One study done by (Larsson and Wolk, 2016) was Potato consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease..., they stated that Potatoes is a starchy food that is something that people eat a lot of and they have a high-glycemic index and have been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The results of that study showed no evidence that potatoes posed a risk in CVD. Another study was done by (Mu et al., 2016) on Dairy fat and risk of cardiovascular disease in 3 cohorts of US adults. It is stated in this scholarly article that Saturated fat intake increases LDL cholesterol and may induce chronic inflammation, and thus may increase risk of cardiovascular disease (Mu et al., 2016). But after studying 3 cohorts it was determined that compared with an equivalent amount of energy from carbohydrates (excluding fruits and vegetables), eating dairy fats was not associated with risk of CVD (Mu et al., 2016). Statistics Throughout our text (Hooyman Kiyak, 2011), discuss many statistics reported about heart disease such as White men age 70 and older are more likely to report heart disease than their Latino or African American counterparts (p. 123). Another article talks about how 1 in 3 women at risk for CVD dont consider themselves as being candidates of heart disease even though both men and women have died from the disease and the statistics also shows that heart disease and stroke are the first and third causes of death among women in the United States (Vaid, et al., 2011). As I mentioned earlier, cigarette smoking is one of the risks of cardiovascular disease. Statistics in an article written by (Shishani, Sohn, Okada, Froelicher, 2008), says Cigarette smokers are 2 to 3 times likely to die due to smoking related cardiovascular diseases and Patients with CVD experience as much as a 50% reduction in risk of reinfarction, sudden cardiac death, and total mortality if they quit smoking ( Shishani, et al., 2008). Conclusion Even though Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, it is my hope that with the help of educating individuals dealing with the disease, they are reassured that if you change your lifestyle and the bad habits that you have, you will begin to see a change in your health and your life. My brother never changed his eating habits and he never stopped smoking, which resulted in his unfortunate death. But after three heart attacks, and after his heart transplant, my dad finally stopped smoking. As long as you have the desire to change and the tools to point you in the right direction, you too can live a healthier life. References Barber, S., Hickson, D. A., Xu, W., Sims, M., Nelson, C., Diez-Roux, A. V. (2016). Neighborhood Disadvantage, Poor Social Conditions, and Cardiovascular Disease Incidence Among African American Adults in the Jackson Heart Study. American Journal of Public Health, 106(12). 2219-2226, doi.10.2105/AJPH.2016.303471 Chi, G. C., Hajal, A., Bird, C. E., Cullen, M. R., Griffin, B. A., Miller, K. A., Kaufman, J. D. (2016). Individual and Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status and the Association between Air Pollution and Cardiovascular Disease. Environmental Health Perspectives. 124(12), 1840-1847. doi.10.1289/EHP199 Hooyman, N. R. Kiyak, H. A. (2011). Social Gerontology: A Multidisciplinary Perspective. 9th ed. Pearson Education Larsson, S. C. Wolk, A. (2016). Potato Consumption and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: 2 Prospective Cohort Studies. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 104(5). 1245-1252, doi.10.3945/ajon.116.142422 Mu. C., Yanping, L., Qi, S., An, P., Manson, J. E., Rexrode, K. M. Hu, F. B. (2016). Dairy Fat and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in 3 Cohorts of U.S. Adults. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 104(5), 1209-1217. doi.10.3945/ajon. 116.134460 Shishani, K., Sohn. M., Okada, A. Froelicher, E. (2009). Nursing Interventions in Tobacco- dependent Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases. Annual Review of Nursing Research, 27221-242.doi.10.1891/0739-6686.27.221 Vaid, L., Wiginton, C., Borbely, D., Ferry, P., Manheim, D. (2011). WISEWOMAN: Addressing the Needs of Women at High Risk for Cardiovascular Disease. Journal of Womens Health (15409996), 20(7), 997.doi.1089/jwh.2011.2850
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Western Civilization Role in the World Major Conflicts
World has experienced several conflicts, of all the major conflicts none had changed the world more than the world wars and the cold war. Western civilization played a great role as far as these three conflicts in the twentieth century were concerned. These wars were mainly fought in Europe and Asia. The century experienced some of the worst conflicts in the history of mankind some of which changed the face of the world for a long time. The world powers fought each others in a battle of supremacy. Different powers stood for different ideologies where each wanted to override the other as far as world power was concerned. The period preceding the first world was characterized by major changes that took place in Europe. These changes affected all the aspects of life, economically, scientifically, socially among other areas. An industrial revolution had just been witnessed in Europe and was spreading to the other parts of the world. Many western nations had been involved in the manufacture of sophisticated weapons in an attempt to protect themselves from their enemies. The First World War was by itself a show of might as far arms were concerned. The great nations took this chance to show of their technological development as well their military strength. It was during this war that Germany put to test some of the weapons that had been developed by its able military weapon technicians such as machine guns and deadly gases. On the other hand the British for the first time used tanks in the warfare. Both countries for the first time in the history of the warfare introduced new aircrafts to test their ability to be used in a major war. Politically alliances were being made by different Europeans power to safeguard their interests. One of the major alliances involved the Germans and the Austrians where they signed treaties creating the dual Alliance. This was to sideline Russia one of the western nations that was seen as a threat to advancement of Germany and its expansionist ambitions. This alliance later came to incorporate the Italians who were major asset to the Germans as they fought alongside in group that came to be known as the Triple Alliance. (Stefan, B 2006) The conflicts of the twentieth century especially the two world wars were mainly as a result of the ambitious plans by the German nation to expand its horizons occupying other nations and dominating them. They were aiming at imposing their rule on them and forcing these nations to adopt their ways. Russia was also interested in some parts of the continent, Austrian Hungary was busy trying to extend it power and in the process they were hiving parts of the Ottoman Empire something that did not go unchallenged. Each nation was busy trying to proof themselves to the rest; they were interested in dominating the continent. This competition was also extended to the other parts of the world especially regions where the European powers were interested in establishment of colonies. They could not agree on who should take which region. They were aiming at extending their power to these regions and at the same time introduce western civilization to areas that they considered backward. Western civilization factor did not stop at the end of the First World War, this concept continued to grow and shaping the face of the world. After the Great War nation did not stop at this point, they continued to fight for supremacy where other European nations were determined to punish Germany and her allies for the role they played in the great world war. The war had left one of the great civilizations in Europe heavily bruised such that one would have written it off. The nation was determined in its recovery program, they did everything possible to rise up and emerge as one of the most dominant power in Europe. (Stefan, B 2006) Adolf Hitler aim to make Germany the most powerful nation in Europe could have ignited another war that spread to other parts of the world and had very devastating effects than the Great War. Just like the first world nations were aiming at outdoing each other in terms of military power, economic and technological advancement. Again in the world history western civilization had led to another competition between different powers something which eventually led to a full scale war that touched every part of the world. The passive nature of the western powers at around this period allowed Germany to break most of the treaties that had been made to prevent another war. Britain was having problems at home such that whatever Hitler was doing as far as preparation for the war was concerned was not such a bother. Hitler continued to arm himself in preparing to expand his horizons making his country a powerful nation in Europe once more. He was determined to get this at all cost. Even with the end of the Second World War western civilization still strong, it was taking a new shape with the entrance of United States in the arena. A new form of conflict was emerging where two opposing ideologies were out to clash. On one side we had the communism which was threatening to dominate the world and on the other side we had the capitalism which was being propagated as part of the western culture. Soviet Union and other communist powers in the world were up against the capitalistic powers which were led by United States to a kind of welfare that has been described as cold war. This war lasted for a long period as compared to the other wars as it lasted up to the eighties when the communist powers collapsed. Germany just like in the previous wars was actively involved in this quiet warfare but in this time as a divided nation. One side of this nation, the western was inclined towards the capitalism world where the eastern part of Germany was controlled by the communist powers. (Bartlett, C (1977) The attempt to spread western civilization to the other regions and the competition that existed among the European powers led to the conflicts that had very devastating effects in the face of the world. Some of which changed the course of history and brought a new dispensation that have dominated the power circles in the world. These three conflicts brought both positive and negative effects to United States and the world at large. It is as a result of these wars that America emerged as one of the powerful nations on earth. Its might came to be recognized at the end of the world war when its intervention brought the conflict that had left Europe weary. (Bartlett, C 1977). One of the common effects of the three conflicts is the loss of lives and destruction of property. The great world war had millions of people from across the board losing their lives. This is not a small number given the world population at that time. Those who lost their lives included soldiers who were in the battlefields and civilians who were either involved in the war. Other people were killed by factors directly related to the war such as starvation and diseases which were as direct result of the war. Looking at the Second World War lives were lost too but in this case in great magnitude than in the First World War due to the level of technological advancement as far as weapons are concerned. The weapons used at this particular war were much destructive compared to those used in the previous war. This meant heavy casualties on both soldiers and civilians. It is estimated that close to fifty million people may have died in this war. This figure includes the casualties suffered after Japan was bombed by the United States using atomic bombs. Psychologically the effects of the world wars were similar to those of revolution in America. There was a growing sense of distrust towards political class and government officials among the people who witnessed the horror and destruction that accompanied the wars. Many people were not happy that the peacemakers had not expressed their sentiments to the fullest wondering why the war was allowed in the first place. To them it could have been avoided by all means. A feeling of disillusionment was felt across the globe as people came into conclusion that their governments were not interested in serving them rather they were only after glory that comes with winning of a war. The loss of loved ones was disturbing to many families which were affected . The future of the families whose members were killed in the wars was not bright; they just accepted the reality grimly optimistic that their dreams will last. (Stewart, R 2003) Technology advancement was registered after the war especially on the military hardware. With the end of the First World War countries that participated engaged in military advancement each outdoing the other as far as manufacturing of the weapons was concerned. This also included technological advancement in other areas which did not involve weapons. For example production of automobiles, aircrafts, radios and other products was boosted. The advantage of mass production and use of machine in production stimulated the economies making them grow at a tremendous rate. After the end of the Second World War two super powers emerged, one would have expected that the two nations would work together to foster world peace but the two nations became hostile to each other. Each one of them started building up huge arsenals and strong ballistic missles. The two super powers were suspicious of each other. They were competing with each other as far as world power was concerned. This situation prevailed for so long such that there was a fear of a third world war erupting. This war had some effects on both countries and the world at large. One of the major effect was the collapse of Soviet Union something that marked the end of an ideology that was being spread by this mighty nation. With the collapse of Soviet Union other communist nations were not very strong to advance its course therefore the system came to an end with the death of the union. (Powaski, R 1998) Germany as a nation was once again united, ending a hostile period that characterized a former European power. Other Baltic states that were part of the Soviet Union achieved their independence and became autonomous nations. With the collapse of communism and Soviet Union America was left as the only super power in the world. This meant that the competition that ensued between the two nations in the dominance of the world was no more. This gave America chance to concentrate on other issues of importance since the threat of invasion by Soviet Union was no more. Western civilization can largely be blamed for all the major conflicts that have happened in the world. Forcing their ideals on other coupled with the competition for power among the nations has resulted to the first two major conflicts. The third conflict was mainly suspicion between east and west. The two sides could not trust each other; they were trying to spread ideologies across the world with each trying to out do the other. The two super powers were just advancing the concepts of the western civilization in different ways.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
What Everyone Else Does When It Comes to Easy Argumentative for 6th Grade Essay Topics and What You Need to Be Doing Different
What Everyone Else Does When It Comes to Easy Argumentative for 6th Grade Essay Topics and What You Need to Be Doing Different An argumentative essay is a certain kind of academic writing. Having selected a superior topic to argue about, at this point you will need to make an argumentative essay outline. GRAPES topic are the very best examples. Anyway, direct and indirect quotes are essential to support your understanding of academic writing style. Be aware that it's possible to fail so much as the simplest topic in case you don't pay enough attention to instructions and guidelines. In many professional contexts, respectful argumentation is the thing that leads to the growth of new suggestions and perspectives. What You Should Do to Find Out About Easy Argumentative for 6th Grade Essay Topics Before You're Left Behind Your readers will need to see the entire picture, and that's what you should concentrate on. If it's the very first time you're likely to use our article writing service, you most likely have a great deal of questions. There's something for everybody in here. Additional homework teaches children personal responsibility that could be of wonderful use for their upcoming life. Presenting of the opposition arguments would help to convince the readers that you've got a versatile comprehension of this issue and that you're not below the effects of any bias. They always take place in a certain context. Even if you think in a specific argument very strongly, if you lack the evidence to show your point, then your argument might just be as great as lost. Easy Argumentative for 6th Grade Essay Topics - the Conspiracy Nowadays it's quite hard to locate a trustworthy essay writing service. You could also get in touch with your writer to supply some excess recommendations or request information regarding the order's progress. Moreover, in-text citations will present your awareness of the various papers formats. The APA guidelines are easily found online. Whispered Easy Argumentative for 6th Grade Essay Topics Secrets Year round school isn't a good idea. Keep in mind, even just a middle school student can craft an outstanding argumentative paper which will be interesting to anybody. Life is far better than it was 50 decades ago. Every student demands help with homework from time to time. Easy Argumentative for 6th Grade Essay Topics: No Longer a Mystery Children should be asked to read more. Students ought to be permitted to pray in school. School tests aren't powerful. Parents should speak to kids about drugs at a youthful age. Moral argumentative essay topics are a few of the simplest to get carried away with. When it has to do with the middle school, the argumentative essay incorporates moderate topics. You don't need to find super technical with legal argumentative essays, but make sure you do your homework on what the present laws about your favorite topic actually say. Recent argumentative essay topics that are related to society is going to do. The Essentials of Easy Argumentative for 6th Grade Essay Topics That You Can Benefit From Beginning Right Away There are 3 basic kinds of essays,, and When given a choice, folks typically do not select the argumentative essay. Anyway, your argumentative essay might be shown before the entire group as an illustration of excellent work. Whether you like our topics since they are or wish to alter them for your essay, you will have to find something entirely fresh sooner or later in your studies. As something you can be guaranteed to use essay topics for an opportunity to create an individual, or a high school narrative essay. Normally, it doesn't include references and quotes in it. Consider the subsequent speech ideas, a few of which are easy, and others might be a bit difficult yet relevant. Consider picking a topic that has been discussed by lots of individuals. When you're picking your topic, remember that it's much simpler to write about something which you presently have interest ineven in case you don't know a great deal about it. What You Must Know About Easy Argumentative for 6th Grade Essay Topics It is crucial to select a great topic so as to compose a fantastic paper. If you've already graduated from college or university and are looking for a great job, you will need to get a persuasive resume to impress your future employer. By way of example, in college, you might be requested to compose a paper from the opposing standpoint. You can be totally sure your paper is going to be delivered in time and be of the maximum quality. The End of Easy Argumentative for 6th Grade Essay Topics As soon as you have the topic, answer the question and support your answer with three or more explanations for why you believe it. The topic has to be interesting, the topic has to be essential and finally the topic has to be informative. Anyway, below, you will find topic that are great for both circumstances. Learn which of the topics, you presently have a fairly good background on which will make it possible for you to have a relative edge. Argumentative essay is about arguing and debating on a subject, which is debatable. Deciding on your topic isn't that easy. It's perfect if you're keen on this issue! You will likely find a different and wonderful topic you will love to write about. There are lots of aspects about a sport which can be argued in an essay. The very first step is where a lot of students become stuck. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Definitions and Examples of Orthography
Orthography is the practice or study of correct spelling according to established usage. In a broader sense, orthography can refer to the study of letters and how they are used to express sounds and form words. Prosody and orthography are not parts of grammar, Ben Johnson wrote in the early 1600s, but diffused like the blood and spirits through the whole. Adjective: orthographic or orthographical.Etymology: From the Greek, correct writingPronunciation: or-THOG-rah-fee Examples and Observations Mark TwainSome people have an idea that correct spelling can be taught, and taught to anybody. That is a mistake. The spelling faculty is born in man, like poetry, music and art. It is a gift; a talent. People who have this talent in a high degree need only to see a word once in print and it is forever photographed upon their memory. They cannot forget it. People who havent it must be content to spell more or less like thunder, and expect to splinter the dictionary wherever their orthographic lightning happens to strike. Graphology Tom McArthurIn linguistics... the name for the study of the writing system is graphology, a level of language parallel to phonology. The earlier, prescriptive sense of the term [orthography] continues to be used, but the later, more neutral sense is common among scholars of language. Spelling Variations David CrystalEven in orthography, the area that is often said to have become completely standardized by 1800, we find a remarkable amount of variation, as Sidney Greenbaum established in 1986. He carried out a survey to estimate how much spelling variation there was in Modern English... He found an average of three variant forms per page [of a dictionary]--296 entries... As a percentage of all the entries in the dictionary, this was a remarkable 5.6 per cent. Ben Franklins Warning David Wolman[Benjamin] Franklin felt that the ever-widening gap between spelling and pronunciation was leading the language down a denigrating path toward a logographic orthography, in which symbols represent whole words, not a system for producing sound units, as in c-a-t. He considered languages like Mandarin ghastly for their memorization requirements, an old manner of Writing that was less sophisticated than a phonological alphabet. If we go on as we have done a few Centuries longer, Franklin warned, our words will gradually cease to express sounds, they will only stand for things. Spelling Reform Joseph BergerLike such ideological forefathers as George Bernard Shaw, Theodore Roosevelt and Andrew Carnegie, [Edward Rondthaler] wants to clear up the whims of spelling by adopting a more phonetic version of English, one where words are written as they sound and pronounced as they are written...The kee to ending English iliterasy is to adopt a speling thats riten as it sounds, he writes in his fashion. The Lighter Side of Orthography If youve grown weary of hearing that you need to improve your spelling skills, consider these options: Boost your self-esteem and baffle your acquaintances by insisting that youre a specialist in cacography. You dont need to tell them that cacography is nothing more than a fancy term for bad spelling.Blame the English language. Compared to German, for instance, English spelling is unquestionably haphazard, eccentric, and sometimes downright perverse. Need an example? In English, cough, plough, rough, and through dont rhyme. (Of course, despite all the vagaries of English spelling, millions of people have figured out the system.)Work on improving your spelling skills. Seriously--spelling matters. According to a report from BBC News, three-quarters of employers say that they would be put off by a job candidate who had poor spelling or grammar.Remind your teachers and friends that not all great writers have been great spellers, and then as evidence point them to Shakespeares Sonnet 138 in its original form: When my love sweares that she is made of truth,I do beleeve her, though I know she lyes,That she might thinke me some untuterd youth,Unlearned in the worlds false subtilties. But be careful: some wiseacre might remind you that Shakespeare wrote in an era before English spelling had been standardized. In fact, Will died 40 years before the publication of the first comprehensive English dictionary.
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