Tuesday, December 24, 2019
American Woman Essay - 2106 Words
Women in American Society HIST 25B Dr. Tracy Sachtjen Tuesday Sections tasachtjen@pasadena.edu Fall 2011 (626) 585-3279, C-349 M @ 10:25am-1:25pm T @ 11:30am-Noon W @ 10:25am-12:25pm Course Description This course investigates women’s roles in U.S. history and contemporary society. Covering three periods of American life, we will study how women’s roles have changed in response to cultural conflict and political movements. We’ll start with an introduction to women’s history and the analysis of gender. We’ll then move back historically into the colonial experiment of the 1600s and 1700s, in the world of contact among indigenous communities, European settlers, and African migrants. As you’ll†¦show more content†¦7. Summarize contemporary feminist issues. 8. Relate the issue of gender historically to the broader framework race, class, and culture. My Goals I have three additional goals: 1. that you learn U.S. women’s history; 2. that you maybe even love U.S. women’s history; 3. that you improve your career-ready skills, namely public speaking, written expression, and group collaboration. If you are new to college writing, are not comfortable with your English language skills, or if you have not yet completed English 1A, this course will be challenging. What should you do? First, see me. Put your trust in my teaching ability. I will help you write sharper essays. Second, schedule two meetings with the tutor in the Social Science Lab in C-315. Getting help – now – will raise your grade. You may also benefit from the many grammar and composition worksheets that the Writing Center offers (C-341). English Language Learners may find this â€Å"8 Common ESL Errors†quick-fix list helpful: http://college.cengage.com/devenglish/fawcett/evergreen/7e/students/esl_errors.html Academic Integrity There is a no tolerance policy for cheating or plagiarism. Students found cheating or plagiarizing will get a zero on that assignment; a zero on one assignment jeopardizes your entire course grade. I have failed many students for plagiarizing. Avoid failure. Do not use outside sources for this course. Do not copy fromShow MoreRelatedEssay on The American Woman Vs. the Chinese Woman905 Words  | 4 PagesAcross cultures, many times similarities lay within them that go unnoticed. It is true that obvious differences set them apart; but if a closer look is taken, it is surprising what can be found. The Chinese culture is obviously different from the American culture, but underneath the surface there are similarities. One of them is how the treatment of women has evolved and changed. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Master of Public Health Free Essays
1. Statement of purpose for Masters of Public Health in USA I would like to think of a world where people would give priority to prevention rather than cure and save millions of dollars in medical procedures and health care provisions. During the initial stage of my medical studies, I was considering a career in rehabilitation medicine because of the exposure that I had in physical therapy. We will write a custom essay sample on Master of Public Health or any similar topic only for you Order Now  Although I enjoyed the field of helping people recover from their injuries and regain some of the functions that they have lost, I have often wondered why people prefer to spend so much money on seeking effective medical treatment instead of preventing illnesses, diseases and injuries. While having close contacts with patients and monitoring their health conditions, my heart was drawn to pursue a career that would give emphasis to prevention and primary care so I can help my country and my fellowmen in Vietnam. Being a daughter of parents who are both in the field of medicine, I am fortunate enough to have a close view of the skills, knowledge and dedication involve in being a doctor. Since I was a child, I had an early exposure in seeing my father render his service as a family physician in his private clinic in our district. My father has been working for more than 30 years.  Each time I see patients consult him on some illnesses and health problems that are preventable, the never ending thought of knowing why people do not want to prevent illnesses kept bothering me. I felt that something should be done. When I complete my Master degree in Public Health, I would like to collaborate with the Department of Health in educating my countrymen on the importance of preventive medicine so they can be spared of costly medical bills and they will be able to live a healthy and productive life. Furthermore, I would like to be involved in research so I can impart my knowledge to other doctors and medical students and facilitate an exchange of knowledge and views among medical professionals on issues related to public health in my country and abroad. 2.  Submit a narrative describing my past education, experience, and current professional career objectives. Through the Japanese government scholarship, I was awarded a full scholarship to take a medical course in Japan. I have lived in Tokyo, Japan for 6 years. Currently, I am on my last year of my medical studies in Tokyo Medical and Dental University. I obtained an initial introduction to public health during the 2-month course period in my current university. The one semester class provided me with a basic but thorough understanding of the issues faced in health care today. Then, I spent a month of internship in various health clinics in Tokyo and its outskirts. To increase my knowledge about health care in other parts of the world, I participated in a month of externship in Western health care in the Gynecology department in Medical University of Valladolid in Spain. As a medical student, I have spent the last two years of my studies in the hospitals and health clinics.  This experience has given me a clearer view about health care. I am thankful that each month, the university provides a special lecture and health care seminar that enabled me to meet some public health leaders specializing in various fields in different countries. The knowledge and exposure has further strengthened my belief that no matter how developed a country is or how well organized their medical and health care system is, their citizens will still demand for a better health care system, a better preventive medicine and sanitation. Public health will always be a problem that will demand tremendous work in order to find an effective and efficient solution to a health problem without sacrificing quality. The continuous problems faced by professionals in public health demand innovative and carefully thought solutions. My medical background has also provided me with a chance to view health care programs in different perspectives and triggered my interest in preventive medicine and quality health care. In Vietnam, I had a chance to assist my parents while they were treating patients in their clinic. Sometimes, I join them whenever they do their rounds and visit patients in the hospital.  My parents taught me the importance of having a good patient-doctor relationship and to maintain a good bedside manner at all times. They believe that an effective cure does not only come with its physical treatment, it should also come together with the emotional and spiritual upliftment. When all things fail, the patients’ determination and will to survive will take over. My parents have exposed me to the medical cases and issues that have confronted them during their medical practice. I had the chance to review the medical history of the patients and understand their illnesses. I have also met some specialists who had meetings with my parents to discuss the best possible treatment that could be given to their patients. In many cases, I have often seen a lot of people go to the hospital or consult a doctor when their illness is already worst. Others have to remain in the hospital for many days for further observation and further treatment. There are young people who have suffered from diseases and health problems such as heart attack, stroke, lung cancer and diabetes that could have been prevented by following a healthy lifestyle. I have witnessed how members of the patients’ family struggle to search for money in order to save the lives of their loved ones and be provided with the treatment that they needed. During those years, I have always been nagged by the issue of prevention and cure and how each citizen could have a longer lifespan and a better quality of life if they were informed and educated about the prevention of illnesses.  I have also thought about how the country’s allocation of resources to those who have preventable illnesses could have been used to cure other non-preventable sickness. All these thoughts have pushed me to serve my country and be in the field of public health. I still render my volunteer service whenever there is a chance to join the medical mission sponsored by various non-government organizations. In the past medical missions, I have worked with volunteer doctors, nurses and para-professionals. I interviewed patients and recorded their complaints and medical history. Then, I accompanied them to the doctor who provided the treatment and gave them the necessary prescriptions and medicines. I also assisted the doctors in making referrals to the hospitals and other specialist.  Sometimes, I accompany some doctors who monitor the progress of these patients. My hunger for knowledge and my passion to be of service to the community continuously grow with every exposure that I have in the field of health and medicine. The fulfillment of seeing people respond to the treatment and to see the smiles in their faces is priceless and worth every ounce of work and perseverance that I have given to my studies and profession. 3. Plans that the applicant has to use the education and training acquired at university, the needs and/or challenges the applicant perceives as important in the relevant field of study, and any personal qualities, characteristics, and skills the applicant believes will enable him or her to be successful in the chosen field of study. Foreign students like me will benefit from the extra-ordinarily talented professionals and interdisciplinary program that emphasize on problem solving and the acquisition of fundamental public health skills. The faculty brings a range of skills and real-world experience to its work while providing the foundation for our intellectual growth. As a citizen of an Asian country, I am glad that the program incorporates research and service activities that are designed to identify and resolve economic, clinical and behavioral issues focusing on Africa and Asia. This will enrich my knowledge in disease control and prevention while learning ways to improve the health condition of people residing in resource poor countries. So many lives were affected in Asian countries due to diseases transmitted by insects (malaria, dengue fever, Japanese encephalitis, yellow fever), through food and water (cholera, typhoid fever, hepatitis A, parasitic infection), through intimate contact (AIDS/HIV, hepatitis B), and other diseases (Schistosomiasis, rabies, tuberculosis, pneumonia). Vaccinations for measles could have prevented pregnant mothers from delivering a child with mental retardation, deafness and blindness. Early death among children could have been prevented if there is a massive immunization drive in the community. Since Vietnam is part of Asia, I would like to actively support and participate in the implementation of the health program not only in my country but also in other Asian countries. Being a foreigner, I believe that it will be a challenge to know about the public health programs, policies and issues as well as health services across the states.  In my graduate studies, I expect to have a number of research papers and case studies to work on that will enriched my knowledge and exposure on the different side of health care that is found in a developed country. There is a big difference in terms of public health policies and programs between developed and developing countries. In my studies, I would like to thoroughly study its differences and would like to determine how the health care policies and programs in the United States can be adapted in Vietnam. How can I keep my countrymen healthy? How can I contribute to the quality of care in Vietnam? I would like to find answers for these questions before returning to my homeland after the completion of my graduate studies in public health. I welcome the challenge to study in a technologically advanced country. My dedication and passion to serve my country outweighs the challenge and the obstacles that any foreign student will face in a foreign land. How to cite Master of Public Health, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Business Strategy In Companies Samsung Competitive Advantage
Question: Discuss about theBusiness Strategy In Companiesfor Samsung Competitive Advantage. Answer: Introduction Samsung uses a corporate global competitive advantage to maintain its competitive advantage in order to make more and it now has apple on the back foot. It have maintained the reputation for several years of being the largest company in technology and also by revenue Samsung remains ahead of its rivals such as Apple. The incorporation of a massive screen for the gadgets that the company produces has been a secret that is well utilized to beat competitors. The impressive new features used in Samsung appliances makes the products attractive and compete favorably in the market. Pillars of Strategy The core pillars of the strategy adopted by Samsung include: Ultimate fast follower hence the company is very fast when it comes to learning from the trends of the competitors in the industry. It maintains the position of a market leader and thus sets the pace for others to follow suit. The manufacturers of the phones and computers are attuned to what the competitor is doing and does not take any step of technology by other companies lightly. Competitive Advantage They then derive their own unique version of that particular innovation which ends up making even higher sales than the pioneers. The company has the aggression to imitate other brands and thus producing exactly a product that matches the specifications of the rest. There is quick in operations of production where the company encompasses faster production methods and a variety of options to cater for the rising demand in anticipation. It is able to see what the market responds to pushes success towards achieving the same and kills any failure that might be in existence. It produces what the consumer wants, larger screen and not cheap gadgets to attract the price sensitive individuals. The note is a very perfect example of the unique large screen; a market research that was conducted in the Asian continent found that the Asians prefer handwritten phones due to the nature of their characters in writing messages. They have to draw easily while using a Samsung note which caters for their need and has got pen touch sensitivity. Gilbert (2011) claims resource orchestration to create competitive advantage breadth, depth, and life cycle effects. The aligned execution and endless market research have been the drivers to success and achieving the status quo. Its diverse nature with chips and displays enables to beat companies like Apple and thus compete on price simultaneously offering the features those other brands cannot be able to deliver. Guan (2012) claims that Vertical integration in supply chains: driving forces and consequences for a manufacturer's downstream integration. Advertising has been a major boost for the sales increase of the company by investing heavily to reach even the common people in the suburbs. The use of supply and chain management that is conglomerate and as maker of smartphones recognizes flexibility for capacity building. It eliminates external partners who mostly are a detriment to the process of supply and thus delay and brings lags in time of delivery to the market. Lead time is reduced to enable the efficient flow of the process of production in conjunction with sales agents who are internal employees of the entity. The hierarchical aspect that has made it be accused of being family dominated has given the business a competitive edge and this can be notices from the historical events. When Samsung decides to undertake business as a South Korean company it goes hard to achieve the objectives. Whittingtons approaches of strategy are: classical approach which is the first one where he uses rationalization to refer to satisfaction of the individuals who uses logical approach most suitable for large and established companies in the industry. People were buying cars and new things in order to full fill the American dream. The Rational Approach The rational approach is suitable where adequate planning has been incorporated in ideology. Hooley (2005) The marketing strategy competitive advantage of the new brand for dominance in the global perspective. Samsung takes time to plan ahead and analyze the situation that prevails before making any rational decision. Understanding the nature of the market and the technology world are the concepts the company uses to derive strategic plans for its products. The entire industry has effect on individual industries by controlling the level of their performance which is demonstrated by porters five forces. The company is in a situation to create attractiveness to external out lookers to increase profit and be in a good financial position. The certainty in going concern will be fulfilled by the aspect of being able to support all its operations and the same time leaping profits annually. Samsung uses the attractiveness idea by making radical changes in the features that it is released and modifying them. Creativity for the company has been the pivotal to the management of effective activities of transformation of the brand to what it is now known for. The revenue generated is utilized in the entity to cater for the business expenses and mostly innovation is emphasized. Sims (2013) Samsung galaxy note display most expensive part. The process perspectives that are developed within the turbulent oil crisis in the west shows those negotiations are important in arriving to any rational decision for mutual benefit especially in politics. Samsung enhances mutual benefit by ascertaining quality to its customers who depends entirely on them. The negotiations and procession perspective are uses where the entity engages in massive. The underground research and also benchmarks other entities for compliance and to remain relevant within time duration since it was started. The origin of the company as battery manufacturers offers strong foundation upon which it have majored and diversified in various industries. The political aspect appears to be not influencing production in any negative manner. The government embarks on innovations and productivity in South Korea as compared to other countries which are war torn and still struggles to remain relevant. Teresa (2011) said that making money from your smartphone is easy as long as you are smarter than your phone . The classical approach has been of great help to researchers of Samsung in achieving satisficing factor to the consumers who need only best results with no mistakes. Approaching the process of making the phones and other constituents from scratch in more than one dimension enhances new ideologies. This theory of strategy assists in planning and laying a good framework for reference to act as a basis for reminder in quality adherence whenever it goes astray. It has managed to use the classical methodology in implementing persistent and consistency. Evolutionary Approach The second theory that Whittington used is the evolutionally perspective which was developed back then during the market led environment in the eightys. The survival for the fittest does apply where the environment is mandated with the responsibility of selection but not the organization managers as depicted by Whittington. This leads to withdrawal of the subsidiaries for the struggling companies, the privatization creeps in slowly in this theory. The end of socialist government during the period when Thatcher was the USA leader contributed to closure of steel and car companies for failing to comply with environment regulations. Humphrey (2013) The galaxy note 3's stunning full high definition super gadget. Samsung has placed itself high at the top. It has been ensuring there is harmony with the surrounding and in this context the outcome of the user effects are minimized or eliminated. There is a user guide for all items that the company offers for reduction in side effects to its customers and making the products lovely as well. This environment acceptance has enabled expansion to other parts of the world including Asia, Africa, Germany, Africa and even USA. Simatupang (2002) said the knowledge of coordination for supply chain integration business process management . The global acceptance results for compliance with the market demands as this is the key environment that selects competitors to absorb and the one to revoke from the race. To be successful the theorist argues that there must be existence of resources basis for the foundation of the view as opposed to the classical approach which focuses more on process. The digitalization and the use of computer have been the major contributories of evolutionary approach. The development of technology by use of the computers has been the key point electronic companies. The electronic industry applies a wide scope of globalization thus there is need for availability of larger resource view. The growth will be the end result for the application of these strategic points in any entity that aims at increasing the economies of scale. Gilmore (2008) Apple won the latest legal battle, but Samsung wins the size war with pallet. The concentration of resources at one point can be used to beat other small companies and make them exit hence paving way for them to leave the market. Samsung has always maintained the first position in electronics industry by increasing and enlarging the resource view to maximize revenue and dominance. Despite the fact that the giant entity enjoys monopoly power in South Korea there are advantages of being bigger as it is. Siegel (2009) claims that Samsung electronics have been used in Harvard Business School Case. The type of electronic appliances used are harmonized by use of high performance computers and systems that are used globally for competing favorably when standardizing the rules and guidelines for production. Conclusion The stability of the company has been observed by the top management by applying corporate governance points and strategic approach that best suits the industry without gambling at ideas. The decision making process is adhered to for the growth and progress to be ascertained. The key official settled down and scrutinizes the ideas by brainstorming unlike other competitors who rush to implement a mere assumption. There is due consideration of the step to be put in the operations of the organization given that it may lead to profit or loss, The aim of the company has been profit maximization hence this has been achieved by adopting a clear scope of work. References Siegel, Jordan I. E., James Jinho Chang (2009). Samsung electronics in Harvard Business School Case. New York: Hasty press. Simatupang, T. K., Wright, A. J., Sridhar, R. P. (2002). The knowledge of coordination for supply chain integration business process management journal, 8 (3), pp. 289-308. 33. Sims, G. H. (2013). Samsung galaxy note display most expensive part. South Korea: Simons press. https://www.androidauthority.com/galaxy-note-3-costs-240-dollars-279182/ [Accessed: 5 Dec 2013] Gilbert, B. N. (2011).Resource orchestration to create competitive advantage breadth, depth, and life cycle effects?, Journal of Management, 37 (5), pp. 1390--1412. 35. Teresa, M.W. (2011). Making money from your smartphone. London: Prentice press. https://www.techradar.com/news/phone-and-communications/mobile-phones/who-s-making-money-from-your-smartphone-992247 [Accessed: 5 Dec 2013]. 36. Humphrey, S. A. (2013).The galaxy note 3's stunning full high definition super gadget. Kuwait: Arabian press. Troyer, C. T., Russell, C. G. (1995). Smart moves in supply chain integration transportation Distribution. Chicago: Britannica press. West, D. F., Ibrahim, E. R. (2010) Strategic marketing in creating competitive advantage. New York: Oxford University Press. Gillmor, D. C. (2008). Apple won the latest legal battle, but Samsung wins the size war with pallet. London: European press. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/nov/23/samsung-versus-apple-290-million-fine-phablet [Accessed: 20 Nov 2013]. 11. Guan, W. S., Rehme, J. B. (2012). Vertical integration in supply chains: driving forces and Consequences for a manufacturer's downstream integration?, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 17 (2), pp. 187-201. 12. Hooley, G. N., Nicholas, B. T. (2005). Marketing strategy competitive advantage. Austria: Hungary press.
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