Sociology essay writing
Topics For Intro To Film Research Paper
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Friendship Essay: Helping a Friend in Need -- Friendship Essay, Persona
It is extremely dismal to see a companion or relative torment or out of luck, particularly when they imagine that everything is okay. It is a fragile circumstance when moving toward somebody in this issue, as regularly a person’s pride holds up traffic of connecting for comfort. Step by step instructions to offer your assistance to an autonomous companion or relative in this position requires a touch of sharp control and a not really evident arrangement so as to help. On the off chance that the current issue is a money related issue, the principal reaction is offer them a credit. Then again, the vast majority would be humiliated to admit to this, and will maybe be irritated at the offer. Be that as it may, rather than by and large contribution them cash, exchanging an assistance return for installment would not appear like you are giving them a hand out. For instance...
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Starbucks International
Universal Marketing Case1-1: Starbucks-Going Global Fast Q1) Identify the controllable and wild components that Starbucks has experienced in entering worldwide markets. A1) There are a few controllable and wild components that Starbucks has experienced in entering the worldwide market. In the first place, a portion of the controllable components are to some degree like them developing in the local market. A portion of the elements incorporate the 4 P’s (Product, Price, Placement and Promotion).Starbucks has the upside of being a worldwide brand-it is perceived by millions around the globe and is along these lines ready to advertise as per its worth. Furthermore, Starbucks can undoubtedly conform to the diverse social sets and move their costs as per the rivals in the locale (without making a big deal about an effect on their benefit). Because of being a worldwide brand, Starbucks can showcase themselves as they wish to also. A suitable model would be the espresso in Italy-whic h is generally less expensive than Starbucks normal coffee.An coffee in Northern Italy is around 67 pennies while in the south it can fall near 55 pennies. In the interim, Americans pay around $1. 50 for their coffee for such explanation, Starbucks would need to bring down the costs in the event that they wish to enter the Italian market for the straightforward motivation to have the option to contend in such a situation essentially returning to the point of controlling their costs as their rivals do. Starbucks have confronted wild components also for the most part to do with remote markets.To start with are the issues that the brand may confront attempting to adjust among household and worldwide markets. There are a few unique components of hazard that they face when entering a remote market, for example, serious powers, innovation levels, dispersion structures, the nation’s foundation and different powers that include such a social, political and lawful. Every one of these components connect to how Starbucks maintains its business in a universal market.Moreover, as Starbucks keeps on extending, it should be progressively touchy to social difficulties. One model could be Starbucks confronting grave difficulties with Japan’s ‘chilled coffee’ showcase with numerous copies matching with the corporate brand making it increasingly hard for them to contend abroad. Being a worldwide brand, Starbucks has aced their abilities to grow to other global markets-as long as they hold under tight restraints their controllable components and attempt and resolve the wild ones.Q2) What are the significant wellsprings of hazard confronting the organization? Talk about possible arrangements. A2) Being such a significant global brand-Starbucks is probably going to confront certain dangers. Regardless, Starbucks has figured out how to immerse a large portion of its market in United States. As indicated by sources, there is a Starbucks for each 9,400 indiv iduals in Seattle. Covering zones with their stores isn't really a bit of leeway for Starbucks, it has even prompted shoppers being baffled with the low degree of decision and causing an incredible abhorrence towards the worldwide brand all together.Another chance confronting Starbucks is the new, more youthful age. Today’s 20 and mid multi year old buyers are not prepared to address the significant expenses for their day by day espresso. Because of the downturn, a lot of this age was raised on less expensive brands, for example, McDonald’s McCafe, and is probably not going to move to Starbucks or some other significant brand even once downturn has worn off. Purchaser dangers are not by any means the only ones upsetting Starbucks-the worldwide brand additionally faces inward issues with worker wear out rate expanding over the years.Dissatisfaction over being over worked and come up short on is beginning to get interchangeable with the Starbucks name causing disappointe d senior supervisors and a higher level of representative turnover. A case of this interior hazard was the point at which a claim caused Starbucks a decent $18 million, leaving them with diminished benefit share. Experts express that Starbucks can just keep up about 15% area development in the United States, for just around two additional years. From that point onward, it should rely forcefully upon abroad development to keep up their yearly 20% income growth.Expansion and cannibalization chance is likewise another component. Extending at such an extraordinary rate with a steady development in stores far and wide have seen to cause some major social issues too, for instance Italy being undermined from changing their ways of life of drinking espresso all together. Arrangements: Advertising efforts and positive open mindfulness could help improve their worldwide picture. Starbucks ought to being concentrating on International extension as opposed to soaking their local market-the more individuals they contact, the more the brand is probably going to endure and make a profit.Having such a global picture can have an impediment too Starbucks could figure out how to adjust to more social contrasts and necessities as opposed to focusing on advancing their local picture universally also. Through advancement and promoting Starbucks should start to move their intended interest group; the more youthful age is a key component to their item life cycle-however re-situating their items and concentrating on the Middle class of today, Starbucks could discover an answer inside and keep on developing for quite a long time to come.Market exploration could be another arrangement that Starbucks can investigate. By making Global Strategies, achievement can be accomplished by embellishment as indicated by the country’s culture and conviction and by presenting items that are bound to be acknowledged by individuals from various zones of the world. A specific sort of showcasing i s probably not going to speak to a crowd of people from everywhere throughout the world-Starbucks should be adaptable enough to make their picture as per an alternate culture each time.The sentiment of disappointment from the representatives of Starbucks ought to be settled. This arrangement can be accomplished by offering after some time installment or motivating force for each representative as long as Starbucks is eager to deal with its kin, worker turnover will probably lessen and their inward mechanics will run easily hence making them lucidity take a gander at other significant issues, for example, universal advertising and expansion.Q3) Critique Starbucks generally Corporate Strategy A3) For the situation of Starbucks, the corporate procedure that they have actualized is one of a kind to their industry which has permitted them to stand separated from their significant rivals. It tends to be summed up in the blink of an eye Starbucks plans to give quality espresso any place th ey go.One of their techniques would be vertical joining, by having a cozy relationship from the beginning to the completion of their item by having their own flexibly chain and cooking their own espresso Quality is one key component that Starbucks has never settled on ( and from its vibes, will be reluctant to do as such sooner rather than later too) Modification of their items is another way Starbucks handles it system, by targeting collaborating with other effective brands and going for items that they can likewise sell in stores separated from their chain’s and concentrating on different administrations they give, for example, pre request, Wi-Fi and banding together with the film and music industry. Indeed, even without spending a ton on worldwide notice, Starbucks tries to remain in the spotlight, by settling on the correct choices to cooperate with organizations that are speaking to their general shopper base.In expansion, Starbucks has started to focus on the more youth ful age (that is probably going to wander from the more extravagant quality espresso) by boosting different administrations they give. Rather than capitulating to the lower value request, Starbucks has increased their different administrations and started publicizing as needs be and straightforwardly focusing on the new generation’s buyer base. It is likely additionally worth referencing how Starbucks has still figured out how to follow the standard thing, ordinary extension normal too. They started by focusing on their residential market forcefully and once this had been immersed and grown totally, the association started expanding their quality globally. As indicated by the Starbucks yearly report in 2009, their global market developed by a quick 7. 7% in 2009.Overall, Starbucks targets developing globally, by utilizing different sources separated from the standard generalizations, and yet, Starbucks means to keep its balance in their local market as solid as they have been since the initiation itself. Q4) How may Starbucks improve benefit in Japan? A4) Due to the elevated level of rivalry that Starbucks faces in Japan, it should start by rethinking their evaluating methodology. The vast majority of Japan despite everything accepts that Starbucks is somewhat overrated, and since there are such a large number of various contenders, it is a simple choice for the shopper in Japan to pick another brand-dependent on the lower price.They could start by bringing down their costs marginally, where they would at present make a benefit, yet would fall inside the scope of different contenders so more customers would probably pick Starbucks-for the most part because of the incredible nature of item (and now better cost also) Another technique that Starbucks could utilize is repositioning their item and administration in Japan. As indicated by sources, Japanese youth is bound to invest their energy in a valuable way. Due to Starbucks and the rivals in Japan giving comparative charge, it is simple for the contender to gobble up the Starbucks share, consequently it would be perfect for the worldwide brand to expand their advantages (or diminish value further).One advantage could be presenting the online request framework in Japan, so Japanese shoppers could pre request web based, sparing them time and utilizing this advantage over different contenders. By publicizing with the household marks in Japan, Starbucks might cause itself equal with Japan’s youth-where they to feel slanted to have Starbucks rather if contender espresso in light of the fact that thei
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Significance of the thinking and writting on education (History of Research Paper
Centrality of the reasoning and writting on instruction (History of Education) - Research Paper Example As an instructor, Webster’s vision was to keep up an American Christian republic where Christian qualities and good standards were educated, esteemed and protected. To put it plainly, Webster imagined â€Å"an instructive framework that would bestow, an adoration for excellence, enthusiasm, and religion, in view of scripture†(Pope 2010). Thomas Jefferson, then again, viewed instruction as a key factor for the smooth capacity of vote based system and he laid accentuation on training for all. He accepted that lone instructed and all around educated residents could assume pivotal jobs in majority rule government; along these lines, for him training was the ‘foundation of vote based system and an essential to vote’. The four rules that administered Jefferson’s sees on instruction were: â€Å"democracy can't long exist without enlightenment†, â€Å"that it can't work without shrewd and fair officials†, â€Å"that the ability and prudence, required in a free society, ought to be taught paying little mind to riches, birth or other coincidental condition†and â€Å"that the offspring of poor people must be subsequently taught at regular expense†(Jewett 2010). Jefferson called attention to that States ought to be partitioned into little regions or wards for better instructive yields and for him the structure of training ought to be in four levels: grade schools, syntax schools, colleges, and long lasting learning. Notwithstanding, Jefferson’s liberal perspectives on instruction neglected to suit the instructive needs of ladies, Blacks or Native Americans. Pope, Randy. (2010). Noah Websters Distinctly Christian Education System Shielded the Republic from the Enlightenment. Recovered 2010-02-11 from
Innovation And Entrepreneurship Affect †
Question: Talk about the Innovation And Entrepreneurship Affect. Answer: The article presents a concise outline of the development and business enterprise. It clarifies that how development and enterprise influence the business exercises of the association. Advancement is the application and procedure of better arrangements so as to address certain issues, new necessities and market needs and wants. The advancement is identified with the new innovation. Development and business are interconnected with one another. Further, development is the procedure of usage of new thoughts, contemplations, innovation, and information. Development is the consequence of group and collective endeavors where achievement and development rely on the new innovation and science. Development and business enterprise are the more extensive ideas. Development is the way toward changing over a thought and innovation into the great and administration which make powerful qualities in the association (Bloom, Draca Van Reenen, 2016). It includes the arranged use of information and data , activity, creative mind and various qualities from assets. It is a procedure which includes numerous exercises, performed by the different players in the association. Numerous associations embrace development and business enterprise procedure to pick up the more achievement and development later on. Development isn't just the innovation procedure yet it additionally makes changes in the plan of action of the association. Advancement expands the client decisions and desires and it additionally amplifies the globalization availability. Through development, the organization can take the business enterprise benefits. In this manner, advancement assumes a noteworthy job in each association. It is the mix of pioneering process and imaginative procedure to make and construct new monetary incentive for the different partners (Hattab, 2014). Enterprise is the procedure propelling, running, working and planning another business and exchange. It has been characterized as the Willingness and capacity to sort out, oversee, work and build up a business with lessening the different sort of hazard so as to expand the income and benefit of the organization. The business visionaries distinguish the chances and dangers of the market. A business person characterized as an individual who begins, oversees, arranges and works any endeavor and venture. Business enterprise makes and builds up the open doors for the work and it upgrades and expands the economy of the nation (Choi Majumdar, 2014). It is required for the upgrade and improvement of administrative and managerial capacities. It is the expansive and dynamic idea which dispenses with and evacuates the different hindrances and obstructions inside the association. In enterprise, individuals grow new thoughts and musings and they become progressively mindful and gauge and recogniz e the chances and dangers of the organization. After the different inquires about, it has been discovered that development and enterprise are imperative to extend the business exercises and to defeat available contenders (Bae, Qian, Miao Fiet, 2014). Development and enterprise assume a noteworthy job in each association. Development is the particular instrument of enterprise. Business people search and discover the wellsprings of development and they discover the open doors for the business. Development is fundamental for the endurance of business visionaries and it is additionally important to grow the matter of the association. Development and business enterprise are the key achievement factor of the association. In todays serious condition, advancement and business are significant achievement variables to defeat on the rivals in the market. Advancement and business enterprise help to create and assemble the authoritative structure and qualities in the association. Business visionaries are the individual who recognizes and assess the different chances and finds the holes in the market and measures the plausibility of new business. They gather the criticism from the market to accomplish the hierarchical objectives and goals. Num erous organizations utilize the customary business strategies and techniques in business which influences the business exercises of the organization. Consequently, the association utilizes development and business enterprise process in the association. Business people utilize the developments to improve and upgrade the nature of work and they additionally improve the situation of the organization in the worldwide economy. Business visionaries are answerable for development and accomplishment of the organization (Kleinknecht, 2016). Here, my stuff development speculative organization has been chosen for the exposition. The exposition gives a diagram of the significance and impacts of utilizing the development and enterprise apparatus in themanagement with the goal that goal can be accomplished. My stuff development is a mover and packer organization which is a shipping business. The organization helps the clients in conveying administrations at their doorsteps. Through these exercises, the item is effectively reachable by the clients. Numerous different exercises which the organization performs are online conveyance, helping with moving house, aid home conveyances and so on. As the business is new in the market and the possibility of the business is likewise imaginative, in this way the organization needs to utilize development and enterprising exercises in their business so as to make progress (Seltzer Mahmoudi, 2013). The truth of the matter is known to all that no business in todays world can run effectively without utilizing development apparatus in their business. So as to make an alternate situation in the business, every single organization needs to actualize such strategies. Further, the idea of the business is inventive so in the event that the business visionary of the organization will execute the imaginative strategies, at that point the business will pick up the piece of the overall industry in a limited ability to focus time. The organization will utilize troublesome advancement procedure in their business with the goal that their abilities are improved in the market. Problematic development is the kind of advancement which the business procedure use uses to improve the nature of their item and give most extreme fulfillment to the client of the organization. My stuff development organization has started with an imaginative thought in the market, along these lines the clients will curre ntly anticipate from the organization that it will work likewise with inventive methods in the market (Baden-Fuller Haefliger, 2013). Problematic advancement will assist the organization with circulating their item in the objective market with low costs. This will pull in light of a legitimate concern for the clients which will make them utilize the administrations of the organization. Also, at last the offer of the organization will rise. In the event that the items are appropriated in the market without lower costs and there are effectively accessible to the clients at their doorstep at that point, because of better accessibility at low costs the organization will prosper in the market and addition the serious edge. On the off chance that such vehicle administrations are being sold at a significant expense in the market, at that point it will get hard for the business to make its situation in the market because of previously existing rivals in the market (Leutner, Ahmetoglu, Akhtar Chamorro-Premuzic, 2014). Discussing the utilization of pioneering methods in the organization, such strategies will help the organization in the commencement of troublesome development in the market. Development and enterprise instruments are constantly utilized in arrangement, inventive being the more extensive idea is utilized by the business person in starting their business capacities (Frankenberger, Weiblen, Csik Gassmann, 2013). A business person is an individual who investigations the dangers which can make misfortunes for the organization and drive them to produce benefits for the association. No business visionary can work effectively without utilizing inventive methods. In the organization my stuff development, the principle task which the business visionary will perform is to persuade the representatives and cause them to comprehend the devices which the organization is going to use to expand the deal in the market. On the off chance that the representative of the organization won't bolster the ch oice of their pioneer then the organization can't work in since quite a while ago run. Subsequently, alongside development, the chief of the organization will proficiently deal with the enterprising methods so most extreme budgetary advantages are achieved for the organization (Kttim, Kallaste, Venesaar Kiis, 2014). One of the imaginative procedures which the organization will be used to expand their benefits is the utilization of online networking innovation to upgrade the working of the business. Discussing development, innovation is the preeminent import thing which pulls in the business and encourages them to gain benefits. The business visionary will effectively break down the interest of the objective market and the necessity of the clients, and afterward as needs be gracefully the administrations and item in the market. Further, it will be noticed that the business visionary will help the work force of the organization to build up the abilities and aptitudes (Cabigiosu, Zirpoli Camuffo, 2013). The effect of the utilization of imaginative innovative strategies is that the organization will upgrade its abilities and make an item which is requested in the market. Development isn't just required by the item or administrations however the business visionary can start advancement in the interna lmanagement of the association also. With this impact, the business person will start themanagement to use the assets ideally and decrease wastage. Another path in whichinternal the board can be improved is that the pioneer will teach the administration with respect to the imaginative methods utilized in the business so they can trust on the exercises of their chief. Along these lines, thusly the development and business instruments can assist the organization with utilizing the assets ideally and increasing most extreme advantage for the organization (Boons, Montalvo, Quist Wagner, 2013). Consequently, from the above occasions, it will be noticed that in todays world it fundamental for an organization to actualize advancement and enterprise strategies in their business procedure. So the My Stuff
Friday, August 21, 2020
Role Of Muse In Haute Couture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Job Of Muse In Haute Couture - Essay Example A model high fashion article of clothing is hand made to explicit body estimations and fitted to flawlessness for every customer. It is therefore added to the long periods of work and the exceptionally elite materials that high fashion pieces of clothing are very costly. Not exclusively is the dress uniquely designed, the textures and embellishments are of the highest caliber, and the tailors, sewers, embroiderers, trim creators and other craftspeople who burn through many hours collecting these pieces are the most gifted on the planet (Sherman, 2006). In Greek folklore, the dreams were the nine little girls of Zeus and Mnemosyne, the goddesses who managed writing and expressions of the human experience and sciences. A dream isn't just a symbol however a consistent wellspring of motivation by her quality or the information she gives an architect. In Greek folklore, muses filled in as motivation to specialists of different controls, be it photography, works of art or even style. Like the girls of Mnemosyne, whose name deciphers as 'memory', they held in their capacity the capacity to cause a memorable craftsman or tap into an expanse of imagination held inside or by and large. The dreams didn't make new motivation in non-imaginative individuals, yet rather pushed their innovative admirers to reconnect with lost or overlooked innovativeness and motivation. The dreams were honorable and solid creatures that were held in the most noteworthy respect. Dreams were esteemed members in the innovative world and have been given that extent in the imaginative world from the beginning of time. The relationship shared by a dream and her admirer isn't ordinarily a sexual one, despite the fact that the motivation frequently originates from the sexual charge between them. This sexual pressure establishes the framework for the admirer's enthusiasm to dazzle the dream and remains as the main connection that integrates them. A dream doesn't really characterize flawlessness; she ought to be one who can extend a worldwide vision and mindfulness that moves her admirer. The possibility of a dream has existed for centuries. Specialists despite everything accept that innovativeness is a marvel that exists outside of them, instead of inside a talented brain that makes workmanship. So when a craftsman sees somebody, who gives as a wellspring of motivation that sparkles intrigue and satisfaction, and furthermore challenges their aptitudes as a maker, a dream or a thought of a dream is made. Indeed, even today, male style fashioners have their dream, who is typically a delightful, high-society female. They move starting with one dream then onto the next, continually looking for a statement of the thoughts that characterize style for every one of them. However, in old style convention, muses were free figures, 'dynamic, stubborn and manipulative specialists of their specialty'; makers and craftsmen in their own right (Gerrard, n.d.) A dream makes a motivation by making a style articulation. The popular Isabella Blow, a design character who dressed to communicate her adoration for advancement and brave and not simply to look pretty or regular. For her, design was not about wearability or way of life; it was about craftsmanship (Flanagan, Emmanuel Ungaro, an ace of surface and prints, prepared under Balenciaga and Courreges, consistently searched for something else for the ladies whom he dressed. He needed his ladies to be provocative and enchanting, to put it plainly, ladies with a great deal of sex request. At the point when a man sees a lady who motivates him by some quality inside her, she is basically anticipating a thought or conviction that the man conveys inside himself that he holds with high respect. It could be some part of her character, her excellence or as frequently is the situation, the sexual charge that exists between them that makes this secretive obligation of dream and admirer
Monday, August 3, 2020
CEA to Sponsor Kids Walk for Kids with Cancer Walkathon
CEA to Sponsor Kids Walk for Kids with Cancer Walkathon CEA to Sponsor Kids Walk for Kids with Cancer Walkathon CEA to Sponsor Kids Walk for Kids with Cancer Walkathon We are so pleased to share that we will be walking in the Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK) Kids Walk for Kids with Cancer Walkathon. Well also be co-sponsoring some of the prize packs for student-led teams (alongside the New York Liberty swoosh!). So, if youve been looking to get involved with a worthy cause, this could be it. This walkathon was founded by a group of high school students at the Packer Collegiate school in New York City, which just goes to show how much a group of motivated young people can achieve when they work together. All funds raised through this event go directly to the groundbreaking research on pediatric cancer currently underway at MSK. So if you can attend, start signing people up! You might just win one of these great prizes Recruit 2 or more: For your chance to snag a pair of WNBA tickets for a game featuring the New York Liberty. Recruit 4 or more: Get free access to the College Essay Academy, a comprehensive video guide to writing a top notch admissions essayâ€"brought to you by the wordsmiths at College Essay Advisors. Recruit 6 or more: You’re eligible for the full Common Application Essay Package! Work with an expert from College Essay Advisors to craft a winning college application essay, from brainstorming all the way through the final polish. Recruit the most: You’ll receive our Grand Prize, a package that includes: a signed jersey, an autographed basketball, and a pair of NY Liberty tickets. The more you recruit, the more you win! And if you cant make it, consider making a small contribution towards the CEA team goal. About Thea HogarthView all posts by Thea Hogarth »
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Women Stereotyping - Free Essay Example
The media misleads reality by forming and reinforcing gender stereotypes. Women are subjugated by being portrayed into categories like sex objects, victims and or dependents of society. We live in a world full of discrimination. People (men and women) are categorized and judged based on who they are. Both genders are victims of this act but men are often favorited more than women are. Men are praised for many things that women would be criticized for doing. Women are often underestimated in many things that men are praised for and also classified as the weak sex. Men are implied as the cultural standard. Women are looked as unimportant or invisible. Regardless of age or tenure, females face these scenarios almost every day. This is called sexism. Lets talk gender roles in magazines and ads. After doing some research, 78% of the covers of magazines are regarding women bodily appearance, weight loss, dietary habits etc. The point of these weight-related messages are to tell the women who are discriminated as big or fat that being skinny or slim is the key to having a better life. Womens magazines focus on improving ones life by changing their appearance. Instead of being supportive, why do we have to discriminate? Some men also made negative comments towards heavier women. One big thing is the target audience for all this discrimination towards women which is called social media, also known as the big stage. Instagram, Snapchat, Periscope,, Facebook etc. are some examples. People use these apps/websites to say whatever they want behind a profile. People that make judgements or say things can put an influence on others viewing and they would think its acceptable to bash others. What about the magazines with men on the covers? I asked myself. After surfing the web some more, I saw magazine covers with men that targeted their hair, perfume launches, clothing lines etc. Mens magazines focus on hobbies, expanding knowledge and other activities. I recently read an article called Young Women Learn Harmful Gender Stereotypes from Reality Tv. They mentioned the famous tv show called The Bachelor. This is based on a woman who chooses a man among multiple men. The man must match her needs and wants she expect. When the woman chooses the man, its now his turn to say whether he wants this woman or not. I think its unfair because its basically a choice being made based on how the woman looks. This world is a male-dominated culture. Some people assume that doctors and pilots can be a man job. Men are featured nearly as twice as women are on television. Women are more featured in music videos and more sexually-related programs. Some people assume that doctors and pilots c an be a man job. The development of identity towards women and female adolescents in magazines, reality tv shows or even tv commercials portray the female gender unfairly. They show unrealistic beauty norms. Most of these people are photo shopped onto images and the media and are claimed to be flawless. The word flawless is used to paint a picture about women and it tells that they are only beautiful if they look a certain way. Perfect. Other women may feel insecure when they see things like that, causing them to have a low self-esteem. Having a low self-esteem can do a lot of damaging to ones life. People harm their selves or even end up killing themselves. Instead of helping to prevent problems like this, the media is creating it. There needs to a stop to grouping women and teen girls based on how they look, how rich they are and or what they wear. Why do we have to categorize? In some countries around the world, women are not respected as much. For instance, Japan. Women in Japan are not treated equally and do not have the opportunity as other women do around the world. In Japan men have essential roles just because of who they are, males. Women arent allowed to have a job if they have a family (husband and kids) and are expected to stay at home and maintain the household and the children. Why cant a woman have a job? Why cant women do what a man does in Japan? We need answers to these questions and unfair treatments. There are other women who are also unfairly treated in other countries. They want to speak out but why cant they have a voice and rights? Where are women rights in other countries? Women are judged too much and need to have choices and rights like men do. Men are favored more than women are. Lets talk culture and status. We have yet to elect a female president. Why? Is women not empowered enough to run a country? Women are paid less than men are for similar jobs. In video games, women are weaker and significantly more helpless. Women characters are sexually provocative than male characters and are less aggressive. Typical video games do not include a female character. Women are always given a weaker position. What are we teaching our fellow younger ones looking on? What examples are we teaching them? What problems are we causing? What are we supporting? These are all questions I think needs to be answered by the media. The things they portray is no help to the society. Its selfish. If a younger woman marries/dates an older man she is often classified as a gold-digger. Some may caricature women as a nag or even Jezebels. Women are looked at as prostitutes when they wear certain clothes or look a certain way. There are so many labels that are placed against a woman for being whom she is, how she looks, her skin color, the way she dresses etc. These types of judgments made to a woman can negatively affect her. For example women can become very emotional. Much research has shown that women experience more stress and anxiety than men due to stereotyping. We need to prevent it. In my opinion, protests now-a-days barely solve any problem(s) caused. I look at it as a legal opportunity to speak your mind with a group of people who agree with you, while holding posters or signs. I do not see it stopping the media from influencing the wrong activities that they paint on society because of money or fame. So many people who work for these companies that delineate stereotyping against women are brainwashed by the money that they are offered. The negative stereotypes against females affect their ability to attain their potential by limiting choices and opportunities on their behalf. We need to recognize how important this issue is and that it matters. The good news is that there are multiple ways to address to society, the problems occurring and what the media is causing. We need to put our thoughts into action and make it come to an end. It is a disgrace that women are treated unfairly and have to experience the feeling of being insecure because the person who they are is not accepted rightfully. So many natural talents and abilities are limited; educational and professional experiences and opportunities in life. I can go on and on about the impacts on womens lives dues the stereotyping but how can we prevent women from feeling discouraged in situations like these in the work place, school or even in public. How can we try to limit women stereotypes around the world? Well of course, not everyone agrees but, women also deserve rights in every country around the world. Creating groups to speak in the public, community centers and on social media can be a start. Anything is possible so why not have a protest so others who also agree can be aware and start something too. Writing letters to congress and to the media explaining how bad discrimination is and to give women their own rights is also a great idea. Women also need to stand strong and know their grounds. Every woman is not the same and may not take being stereotyped lightly. Some may become emotional about it, furious about it while some may not care. Ladies! Separate yourself from the stigma by reminding yourself who you are, what your abilities are, how strong you are and reflect on your achievements every time you are encounter a position like this. Finding humor in difficult situations like these is also a good idea. It is good t o maintain a positive attitude even when things are not right. Talk to yourself and have positive thoughts every day. This trains your mind and who you are to believe that you are strong and nobody or nothing can change your mind. Point out what you think is not right. Whether it is happening at school, a meeting, your workplace or in public, speak for those who do not have a voice. Help one another; after all we are one team. It is important to bring to attention the poor habits contributing to women stereotyping when you witness it, you may start a change in behaviors. Keeping a communication going on can help others realize the impacts of gender biases. We need to get women on board to participate in activities that men usually are a part of. Include women in more jobs. I think that training employees to avoid discrimination can be a big start in the environment. Women stereotyping may not come to a complete end because it is always going to be an ongoing problem due to someone feeling as though women should always be treated as though they do not have a say in anything. The way the media portrays this biasness it reflects on children which causes them to view their gender a certain way. There may not be a definite way to end the discrimination against women but there are ways that can convince the world to have equal treatment step by step.
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